We’re so eager for healing
So eager for perfection
So eager we sometimes don’t realize we’re not broken
Not really
Not yet
Sure we’ve seen some bad stuff
But we’ve held it together
We’ve saved ourselves so many times
We’re our own heroes but we take ourselves for granted
We don’t stop to acknowledge our strength
Because see, all our lives we have waited
We’ve seen it everywhere
In every movie
Read it in every fairytale
That there is someone coming to save us
One day we’ll meet someone so right
And just like that everything will fall in place
So we wait
Yet everyday we pick ourselves up
But still we think we’re breaking
It’s that desperation that has us undone
We latch on to the first semblance of companionship
We dream up perfection
We convince ourselves
It’s the quest we have been put on this earth for
We romanticize everything
That everyone we meet is supposed to make a grand impression in our lives
Maybe finally someone not scared of our demons
So we start to break
But they don’t break us
Not at the start
Not really
Everyday we’ve picked ourselves up making sure we don’t break
Only for us to do it ourselves
One by one, we take pieces of ourselves
Fragile pieces of ourselves
We hand them out to these strangers
We leave gaping holes in our souls
But we don’t notice
Not at first
Not until we can’t find them
By then it’s a little late
Because no one was careful with the pieces of us
Some are shattered
There’s some we can’t find
But once again we have ourselves
So we pick the pieces up
And the ones we lost, they grow even bigger
And if we’re lucky this time we’ll see it
That we never needed saving