Narcissia is a genus of echinoderms. I googled that and it’s a fact I’m bummed out about. Not that I have anything against echinoderms or any real knowledge of them for that matter.
It’s just that I kind of lived in Narcissia. I know, I know, there’s no such place which is why I’m bummed. Because there really ought to be a name for the little bubble in which Narcissistic people live.
But then I realized I can write whatever I want so I’m taking something from the echinoderms.
I was a guest in Narcissia city of one.
Let me first break it down for you. So Narcissia is like this large grey silent city. It’s got people in it but it’s the most silent place. You can hear a pin drop.
See because though there are people, each one of them moves inside a bubble. And here is what is interesting, each one of them believes that they are the only person living in the city.
They cannot see past their personal bubble. Everything is grey like a flashback scene from a bad movie. The difference is that in Narcissia it is not animated, it’s a dead grey.
It’s only the guests that have colour. They are always shackled to one of the Narcissists living in the city. They are dragged around behind the bubbles in which their captors spend their lives.
Every Narcissist sees the guests but only once. Only at arrival. And they all say the same thing. “Welcome to Narcissia, city of one”. Because they really believe they are the only ones living there.
One day I might tell tales of what I saw there.